Other popular events volver

The festival consists of an extensive and varied programme of activities for all audiences, including some popular events that are repeated every year.

Distribution of the fiesta programmes by the Quintos

It takes place on the morning of the first Saturday of festivities, the Quintos of the city (girls and boys who turn 18 that year), accompanied by the charanga walk the streets of the city, entertaining and preparing people for an intense festive week.

L´Aplec de Danses (meeting of dance groups)

A meeting of folk dance groups that takes place on the first Sunday afternoon, also on the same day in the evening there are usually performances of dance groups.

The Paellas Contest

Is usually celebrated on Thursday, the day dedicated to the elderly. Marqués de Campo Street is permeated with the smell of traditional paella, and is filled with groups of people cooking and curious people watching how they develop the culinary art.